Yellow Canopy Dreams

yellow leaves on trees

September 23, 2014

On this walk through the park towards work, it felt like a perfect day. The air was cool but not cold, it was a little overcast but there was some sun. The colors were vibrant, in this season of change. I felt really good, filled with a positive feeling that everything was going to be alright. In actuality, there were plenty of problems that day and I met and handled each the best I could.

I wish, I wish I could bottle that feeling though – that everything is going to be alright. Having such a positive attitude really does HELP in those times of difficulty (at least for me.) There are days that I wake up and feel nothing like that. There are days when I wake up sad or feeling defeated, I don’t understand why. As I walked under the yellow canopy of these trees, I couldn’t but dream about all my future days feeling as good as this day did.

Tell me what you think! ;)